As Green Terra, the healthy growth and harvestability of Paulownia trees usually take 8 years. However, we guarantee you a return on your investment during this time. The profit from the harvested trees will be shared according to the number of seedlings you invest in.
Green Terra offers specially designed tree packages. These packages are customized and yield-focused for portfolios of different sizes. We offer various opportunities to you with budget-friendly options.
At least
10 TreesAt least
20 TreesAt least
30 TreesAt least
50 TreesAt least
100 TreesAt least
250 Trees* Prices are valid for a single tree and may vary depending on the project area.
Your investment will not only provide financial returns but also contribute to environmental sustainability and the preservation of natural resources. As a brand operating with social responsibility awareness, Green Terra encourages its investors to contribute to nature.
We fairly share the income obtained from the harvested trees after 8 years with our investors. Additionally, we enable our investors to track the progress of our business through regularly updated reports and transparent communication.
Green Terra's online investment portal provides investors with the opportunity to track important information such as the growth status of their seedlings, harvest time predictions, and expected returns instantly. Additionally, our investors can manage their portfolios by accessing their accounts instantly.
Stay tuned for our latest projects.
Project 01
17.000 m2 - 1.500 Paulownia
Get in touch to get involved in our project.
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